Friday, Oct. 30, 2020 - closing event!
3pm (NYC) / 8 pm (Copenhagen) / 4 pm (BsAs) / 10:30 (Tehran)
Cyber Bodies Performance Art Festival
YOUR CLOSENESS BURNS ME references remote human interaction by exploring the possibility of the projection of energy that breaks down the physical dimensions of the screen. The project attempts to enhance and disseminate the liminal state of tele-performance and virtual participation by experimenting with physical / aural presence and absence. YOUR CLOSENESS BURNS ME also proposes a reflection on the use of technology and human presence in cyberspace while addressing the present need to maintain interconnectedness in times of limited physical interaction among people. For the performance, Canonge uses Zoom technology as the medium but also as the message referencing McLuhan’s precepts on communications media, and Walter Benjamin’s writings on the aura of a work of art.